Capita Aeronaut Snowboard. Prepare to blast-off with the groundbreaking Aeronaut series, a creation born from the visionary mind of the side-hit maestro and Rocket Man extraordinaire, Arthur Longo. This directional,...
$489.99 $699.95
Capita Black Snowboard of Death. With legendary status as an all-terrain slayer and too many accolades to name, The Black Snowboard of Death has been continually morphed and modified in...
$559.99 $799.95
Capita Mega Merc. Behold! The consummate anytime, any-place, all-terrain, snow-slaying device: The MEGA MERC. Inspired by the on-slope versatility of the Mercuryseries, the MEGA MERC mimics its proven technical design lines while packing a powerful...
$559.99 $799.95
Capita Mega Merc. Behold! The consummate anytime, any-place, all-terrain, snow-slaying device: The MEGA MERC. Inspired by the on-slope versatility of the Mercuryseries, the MEGA MERC mimics its proven technical design lines while packing a powerful...
$384.99 $549.95
Capita DOA 2024. The # 1 trustworthy All-Mountain resort destroyer whose versatility speaks to every snowboarder on the hill. Predictabale and reliable, this board rules over all others within the...